Support Services


Somerset Drug and Alcohol Service

Somerset Drug and Alcohol Service (SDAS) treats young people and adults that have a problem with drugs and alcohol.

Befriending Services

Bruton Befrienders is currently operating a telephone support service. Call Sarah Ford on 07759879688


Bruton Buddies is a telephone support line for those feeling isolated, lonely or worried.  Tel: 01749 321742.


Reengage Call Companions  Aimed at people who are 75 or older; who live alone in sheltered housing with little or no contact with family or friends and who struggle to leave their house in normal times General enquiries: 01934 316578.

Benefits & Debt

Citizens Advice Bureau

Visit for how to contact via email and telephone for help and advice. for free, confidential advice on dealing with debt problems in the UK. Telephone: 0808 808 4000, for free advice on dealing with debts.


Cruse Bereavement Care offers support, advice and information to children, young people and adults when someone dies. Tel: 08088 081677


Cancer Symptoms

If you are concerned that you have cancer symptoms, please visit here for guidance.  If you are concerned, please contact the practice to speak with a member of the Clinical Team.  You can do this by calling us on 01749 812310 or via AskMyGP.

Cancer Referrals

You may be referred for further investigation.  For information about what to expect during your referral, please visit here or download this leaflet: CRUK Your urgent referral explained.



Macmillan provides support for anyone affected by cancer. Find out what to expect, get information, practical advice and support, hear from experts and read about other people’s experiences


Cancer Support UK

Cancer Support UK provide practical and emotional support to people with cancer, during and after the treatment period.


Cancer Charities providing further information about particular conditions:

Cancer Research UK

Breast Cancer Now

Prostrate Cancer UK

Cervical Cancer - Jo's Trust

Leukaemia UK

Blood Cancer UK

Ovarian Cancer Action

Skin Cancer

Gastro - Guts UK

Bowel Cancer UK

Lung - British Lung Foundation


Local Support:

Shining Light Cancer Support Group: A cancer support group organised by the Health Coaches and Balsam Centre for anyone affected by cancer. This friendly group meets every Friday 2-4pm at the Balsam Centre. Please call the Health Coach team for more information


Stokehill Moving Forward:

Free 6-week courses for women who are living with and beyond a cancer diagnosis (any time: during or afterwards). Courses can be attended in person or online and are designed to benefit your wellbeing. The in-person course is located between Wincanton and Bruton. Contact health coaches at Bruton Surgery for more details.


Cervical Screening (Smears)

What is cervical screening?

Cervical screening is a free health test available on the NHS as part of the National Cervical Screening Programme.  It helps prevent cervical cancer by checking for a virus called High-risk HPV and cervical cell changes.  It is not a test for cancer.

It is your choice whether to go for cervical screening, but if you are unsure please find out more about the process or contact us for a Nurse consultation first.

If you have symptoms, contact the surgery to request an examination.  Cervical screening is not for people who have symptoms.

For more information, please visit


Bruton Surgery is part of the Rural Practice Network vaccination service based at Wincanton Community Hospital.  As a GP practice, we are required by NHS England to provide vaccinations from a central hub as part of a practice group.  The Hub receives both Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines.  You will be contacted for your first and second dose - this may be by phone or by text message.

The Patient Information Leaflets for each vaccine are available here:

Astra Zeneca/Oxford


Information relating to COVID-19 is changing constantly.  For up to date information, please visit:

Somerset CCG Covid Vaccinations


Alzheimer’s Society

The Alzheimer's Society make a commitment to be available to every person who receives a diagnosis. We want everyone affected by dementia to know that, whatever you are going through wherever you are, whoever you are, you can turn to Alzheimer’s Society for support, help and advice.


National Dementia Helpline: 0300 2221122


Local Support


Somerset Dementia Advisor Service

01458 251541 This service is designed to ensure you get the most out of life by guiding you to all the information you need, not only about your illness, but also where to find the most appropriate services in your local area.


Local advisors are currently operating a telephone contact service. Contact the Alzheimer’s Society for further details or contact a health coach at one of the surgeries to be referred for support.


What is Diabetes?

Diabetes is a serious condition where your blood glucose level is too high.  It can happen when your body doesn't produce enough Insulin, or when you can't produce any at all.

There are two main types of Diabetes:  Type 1 and Type 2:

When you’ve got type 1 diabetes, you can’t make any insulin at all. If you’ve got type 2 diabetes, it’s a bit different. The insulin you make either can’t work effectively, or you can’t produce enough of it. They’re different conditions, but they’re both serious.

Prediabetes is not a clinical term recognised by the World Health Organisation. But it’s starting to be used more by healthcare professionals and in the media to describe people who are at high risk of type 2 diabetes.

Here we talk through what prediabetes means, if there are any symptoms of prediabetes and what you can do to reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes.

Manage your weight

If you are carrying extra weight and at high risk of type 2 diabetes, losing just 5% of your body weight can significantly reduce your risk. There are lots of ways you can lose weight and it’s about finding what works best for you. Making healthier food choices and being more active are both positive ways to start making these changes. If you need help with managing your weight, a dietitian can help you.

See our Diet and Weight section for more information.

Diabetes UK

For more information about Diabetes and Prediabetes please visit

Healthier You: NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme

Many cases of Type 2 Diabetes can be prevented by making lots of small changes to your diet and lifestyle.  A record number of people in the UK are living with Type 2 Diabetes and this figure is only set to increase.  This means that many more people will experience the complications associated with Diabetes which can have serious impacts on your health.

If you are at risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes, the good news is that by learning more about it and implementing small changes to your diet and lifestyle, you can prevent it occurring in the first place.

The programme is currently being held via remote telephone sessions or via an interactive app where you will be provided with the tools and guidance to make small but significant changes to your lifestyle to not only reduce or possibly reverse the risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes, but also other conditions such as heart disease and stroke.

Your commitment to take part would be:

  • A one-to-one individual assessment over the telephone
  • A number of weekly sessions delivered remotely either by telephone or app.

You can self-refer, but will require some medical details such as your NHS number and recent blood test results so please contact us to speak with one of our Healthcoaches.

A Patient Information Leaflet is available here.

For further information, please visit


My diabetes My Way Somerset

Through this website, patients with diabetes can register to gain secure access to their diabetes related health records and access lots of information about diabetes, from videos, leaflets and e-Learning courses to help understand more about diabetes and how to manage it. Patients who haven’t been diagnosed with diabetes but would like to find out more about the condition and how to prevent can also access a wealth of information on this site.

Diet & Weight Management

Support and guidance to manage weight loss or improve your diet is available from a number of places.  The important thing is to find the one that works for you, so take a look at the different options and services available to you.

National Diabetes Prevention Programme "Healthier You"

The Healthier You service supports people at risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes by taking control of your health, supporting you to make changes to your diet, weight and amount of physical activity you do as part of a 9 month interactive behaviour change programme.

It is specifically targeted at those people who are at high risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes.  Eligible patients can be referred directly by a health professional - please contact us.


The MyDiabetesMyWay Somerset service also provides support, advice and guidance for Diabetic patients and those at risk of developing Diabetes.

Healthy Somerset

The Healthy Somerset website provides a wide range of advice and ideas how to manage your weight and improve your lifestyle specifically in Somerset.

NHS Choices

NHS Choices offers a 12 week weight loss guide, combined with advice on healthier eating and physical activity.  Alternatively, NHS Online provides advice and guidance.

Diabetes UK

Diabetes UK is the leading UK charity for people affected by diabetes.

Obesity and Metabolic Service

Musgrove Park Hospital in Taunton provides the largest obesity and metabolic surgery service in the South West, performing 250 operations each year and working with people with obesity to make changes in lifestyle, medication and surgery.  Access to this service requires a referral from your GP, so please contact us if this is something you would like to consider.

The Bruton Surgery Health Coaches can also support you with weight loss and healthy lifestyle goals, or help you decide which support programme is right for you.  Telephone  01749 812310, Option 3 for health coaches or submit a request through AskMyGP.

Elderly Care

Somerset Community Connect

Provide advice and support to help people live as independently as possible in their own homes. To contact Somerset Community Connect, call: 0300 123 2224


Somerset Carers Service

Somerset Carers Service can help link to you groups and events in your area, to find facts and information that will help the person you are caring for with their particular needs. Here you will find specific support for your unique situation; and our Carers Agents are on hand to help and guide you.


Red Cross

The Red Cross provide short-term loans of wheelchairs and toilet aids.


Local Support:


Live at Home Scheme

01963 33588 or

The Live at Home scheme helps to tackle isolation in the elderly and promote independence and wellbeing. Our befriending scheme and regular newsletter keep people in company and contact and we are sometimes able to assist with shopping to help with getting all those everyday essentials. We also organise regular outings.

Health & Wellbeing

There are a number of voluntary services available locally that can help you find activities, groups or services in the community to support your health and wellbeing.

Visit SPARK Somerset and Wellbeing South Somerset to find out more.


Bruton Health Walks

Every Thursday 10am. Meet opposite Bridge Stores, Bruton. Socially distanced walk of approximately 45 minutes.


Ageing Well in Somerset

Health and Well-being sessions for older adults.


Singing – Goldies Sing and Smile

This is a charity which organises singalongs on YouTube on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11.00am. Details and links on their website.


Chatty Café:

Online social group run by Bruton Health Coaches on Tuesday mornings for anyone isolated. Please contact the health coaches at the surgery for more details: 01749 812310.

Learning Disabilities

Don't miss out on getting the very best healthcare.

If you have a learning disability you can get extra support when visiting the doctor.

To get extra support and the very best healthcare you need to be on the learning disability register.

Ask the receptionist at your doctor’s surgery if you are on the register. If you are not on the register then ask for an appointment with your
doctor. At the appointment tell your doctor you have a learning disability and would like to be added to the register.

Once you are on the register, ask your doctor if you can have a free health check every year. During this check your doctor will take a
closer look at how you are doing – making sure you are healthy and stay healthy.

Your doctor can also talk to you about your Summary Care Record which is a short summary of your GP medical records. With your
permission, other health and care staff can access your Summary Care Record so they know about the medicines you take and any
allergies. This includes people who treat you in an emergency and in routine scheduled care (such as hospital appointments).
Tell your doctor they can add more information to your record so you don’t miss out.

Don't Miss Out - Patient Information Leaflet

Don't Miss Out Carers Information Leaflet

Don't Miss Out - Easy Read Guide

For more information visit Mencap Guides and Resources

Mental Health

Open Mental Health

Open Health is a Somerset alliance of the NHS and local voluntary organisations working in partnership to support Somerset residents to get the mental health support they need, when they need it.

You can self refer by contacting the 24 hour Support Line on 01823 276892 or email, or your GP may refer you for support.  A Patient Information Leaflet is available here: Open Service User Leaflet final



The Talking Therapies Counselling service offers a wide range of treatments for adults 18yrs and over who are registered with a GP surgery in the Somerset area.


Kooth provide free, safe and anonymous online support for young people aged 10-18yrs.


Local Support:

Emotional Health and Wellbeing Advice Session: 0300 323 0033

A free and confidential advice session over the telephone with one of our trained staff to help people consider their emotional health alongside their physical health.



Mental health charity which provides a wealth of information and help. Somerset Mind website:  Somerset Helpline 01823 276 892 open 24 hours a day 7 days a week (part of Open Mental Health).


Pregnancy, Babies and Toddlers

Start 4 Life

For information about your pregnancy, how to give your baby and toddler the best start in life, and look after yourself too, visit:

Start4Life (


Whether it is your choice to breast or bottle feed, or both, please see the support leaflets below for help and information:

Breastfeeding - off to the best start

Bottle Feeding guide


Moving from breast or bottle feeding to weaning creates a whole new set of challenges!  Please see below for videos and a wall planner to help you through this exciting time!

Weaning Wall Planner

Weaning Videos on Start4Life




Sexual Assault and Rape

The Bridge

The Bridge is an NHS service provided by University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Trust across the local area including Somerset.

Here, no matter what

It doesn’t matter when you were assaulted, where it happened or who did it – we’ll listen to your experience and help you to get the support you choose.

The Bridge is a Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC).  It offers medical care, emotional and psychological support, and practical help to anyone who has been raped or sexually assaulted.

It also offers information and support to friends and family if someone you care about has been affected by rape or serious sexual assault.

Call for free and confidential advice on 0117 342 6999. They're here 24/7, 365 days a year.

The Bridge can help

  • Talk to us about what’s happened
  • Discuss your options
  • Medical care, including a forensic medical examination, sexual health and onward referrals
  • Emotional and psychological support, including arranging counselling
  • Practical help
  • Information about making a report to the police

The website for The Bridge is:

A Self Help booklet is available here: The Bridge Self Help booklet.

Sight Loss

Somerset Sight Support for people in Somerset with sight loss. Tel: 01823 333818


Smoke Free Services

To support your health and care at Bruton Surgery, if you are a current smoker we would like to remind you that there are free services available to help you to reduce your consumption and eventually quit.  All the Doctors at Bruton Surgery strongly encourage you to stop smoking due to the significant damage that smoking causes.

Smokefree Somerset provides free smoking cessation support for Somerset residents and you can choose from an App, Quit Kit, email, SMS and face-to-face guidance.  Visit their website, or or call 01823 356222 or email for support.

Experienced smoking cessation advisors will support you through the process and advise on a wide variety of strategies for successfully quitting.  Some of the support that can be accessed includes:-

  • Discuss your smoking habits and behaviour. Give you advice, information and support to help you break habits
  • Work with you to set an appropriate quit date
  • Explain about available stop smoking products
  • Arrange a prescription for agreed stop smoking products
  • Provide regular free carbon monoxide (CO) testing
  • Support you if you relapse.

Alternatively please visit the NHS website for support and guidance.


Have you quit smoking?

If you have successfully quit smoking, its helpful for us to know.  Please contact the practice by email or call 01749 812310 so we can update your records.