We are pleased to announce that Klinik is now live for our patients to use. Initially the system will be available to use between 7.00am and 10.30am. We welcome feedback through somicb.contact-rpmc@nhs.net
We are so grateful to our patients for their support over the last few months since the integration of the practice into a new organisation and look forward to continuing to work together.
Patient Access can be used to order or obtain advice about repeat prescriptions. Alternatively, the following guidance may help you identify a more appropriate setting for your need.
Self Care
Care for yourself at home
Minor cuts & grazes
Minor bruises
Minor sprains
Coughs & colds
Local expert advice
Minor Illnesses
Stomach upsets
Bites & Stings
GP Advice
Out of hours: Call 111
Persistent Symptoms
Chronic pain
Long term conditions
New Prescriptions
Urgent Treatment Centres
Breaks & Sprains
Cuts & Grazes
Fever & Rashes
A&E or 999
For emergencies only
Chest Pain
Blacking Out
Serious Blood Loss